Here are 547 terms that are commonly used in home aquariums. If there are any missing terms, feel free to contact me.

AcanthastreaA genus of stony coral often kept in reef aquariums, known for its colorful polyps and ability to thrive under a variety of lighting and water flow conditions.
AcclimationThe gradual adjustment of fish or other organisms to new water conditions by slowly introducing them to the aquarium’s water parameters.
AcroporaA genus of stony coral often found in marine reef aquariums, known for its intricate branching structure and vibrant colors.
Adonis plecoA species of plecostomus (Panaqolus sp.) known for its striking coloration, including vibrant shades of red and blue, often kept in larger tanks.
AerationThe process of adding oxygen to the water through the use of equipment such as air pumps or air stones.
AgarwoodA type of aromatic wood often used in aquariums for its natural scent and antimicrobial properties, known to have calming effects on fish.
Air pumpA device that uses a motor to push air through tubing, providing aeration and water circulation in the aquarium.
Air stoneA porous object placed in the aquarium that releases small bubbles when connected to an air pump, providing aeration and water movement.
Air-driven filterA type of aquarium filter that utilizes air pumps to create water movement and filtration, often using foam or sponge as the filter media.
Air-driven sponge filterA type of sponge filter that utilizes an air pump to draw water through a sponge, providing mechanical and biological filtration in aquariums, especially suitable for small tanks and fry rearing.
AlgaeAquatic plants that can grow in freshwater aquariums, often causing green or brown discoloration of the water or surfaces.
Algae controlThe management and prevention of excessive algae growth in aquariums through various methods such as light control, nutrient management, water changes, algae-eating organisms, and the use of algae-inhibiting products.
Algae scraperA tool or device specifically designed for removing algae from the glass or acrylic surfaces of an aquarium, typically equipped with a blade or scrubbing pad, enabling efficient and convenient cleaning of algae growth without scratching or damaging the tank material.
Algae scrubberA device or pad used to manually remove algae from the surfaces of the aquarium glass or decorations.
Algal bloomAn excessive growth of algae in the aquarium, often caused by high nutrient levels and imbalanced water conditions.
AlkalinityThe measure of water’s ability to resist changes in pH, indicating the presence of carbonates and bicarbonates in the water.
Amano shrimpA popular freshwater shrimp species named after aquascaping pioneer Takashi Amano, known for their algae-eating behavior.
Amazon biotopeAn aquarium setup that replicates the natural conditions of the Amazon River, typically featuring plants, driftwood, and Amazonian fish.
Amazon swordA common name for various species of Echinodorus plants, known for their large, sword-shaped leaves and their suitability for creating focal points or background coverage in freshwater planted aquariums.
AmmoniaA toxic compound produced by fish waste and decaying organic matter. High levels of ammonia can harm aquatic life in the tank.
Ammonia spikeA sudden and significant increase in ammonia levels in the aquarium, typically caused by overfeeding, inadequate filtration, or a lack of cycling.
AmmoniumA less toxic form of ammonia that can be present in aquariums with a lower pH, but can still be harmful to fish in high concentrations.
Anchor wormA parasitic copepod that attaches itself to the skin or gills of fish, causing irritation, inflammation, and potential secondary infections.
AngelfishA popular freshwater fish species (Pterophyllum spp.) known for its graceful appearance, triangular shape, and flowing fins, often kept in pairs or groups.
AnoxicReferring to areas in the aquarium where oxygen levels are extremely low or absent, often occurring in deep substrate or stagnant zones.
AnubiasA genus of aquatic plants with broad, dark green leaves, often attached to rocks or driftwood in freshwater aquariums.
AphyosemionA genus of small, colorful killifish native to Africa, known for their vibrant patterns and complex courtship and breeding behaviors.
APIAn abbreviation for Aquarium Pharmaceuticals Inc., a well-known brand specializing in aquarium water testing kits, medications, and various aquarium care products, renowned for their accuracy, reliability, and ease of use, offering solutions for the monitoring and treatment of common aquarium issues.
AponogetonA genus of aquatic plants known as the “African onion plants,” characterized by their long, slender leaves and delicate flower spikes.
Aponogeton madagascariensisA species of aquatic plant (Aponogeton madagascariensis) known for its long, thin leaves and delicate white flowers, commonly used in aquascaping and appreciated for its unique and attractive appearance.
AquaforestA brand specializing in aquarium products, including water treatments, supplements, and specialized additives for planted and reef aquariums.
AquaponicsA symbiotic system that combines aquaculture (fish farming) and hydroponics (cultivating plants in water) in a recirculating environment.
AquariumAn enclosed tank or container designed to house aquatic plants and animals, providing a controlled environment for them.
Aquarium controllerAn electronic device that monitors and regulates various parameters in the aquarium, such as temperature, pH, lighting, and water flow, providing automation and control over the aquarium’s environment.
Aquarium saltA specialized salt mixture used in freshwater aquariums to replicate the natural conditions of certain fish species, such as mollies or brackish water fish.
AquascapingThe art of arranging aquatic plants, rocks, driftwood, and other elements in the aquarium to create visually appealing and natural-looking underwater landscapes.
Aquatic therapyThe use of aquariums and aquatic environments for therapeutic purposes, promoting relaxation, stress relief, and improved well-being.
ArapaimaA large and predatory fish species (Arapaima spp.) native to South America, known for its size, streamlined shape, and ability to breathe atmospheric air.
ArowanaA large and charismatic fish species belonging to the family Osteoglossidae, known for their elongated bodies, prominent scales, and powerful jaws, often kept in spacious aquariums or specialized setups, requiring careful consideration of tank size, water conditions, and proper feeding to ensure their well-being.
Auto feederA device designed to automatically dispense predetermined amounts of fish food at scheduled intervals, ensuring regular and controlled feeding even when the aquarist is away or unable to feed manually, providing convenience and helping to maintain consistent feeding routines in the aquarium.
Auto top-offAn automated system that replenishes evaporated water in the aquarium to maintain a consistent water level.
Auto top-off systemAn automated device or mechanism used to replenish evaporated water in the aquarium, maintaining a consistent water level without the need for manual intervention, often utilizing float switches, sensors, or water level controllers to detect and add water as needed, ensuring stability and preventing fluctuations in water parameters.
Automatic feederA device that dispenses pre-measured amounts of fish food at predetermined times, providing consistent feeding even when the owner is away.
Back siphonageThe unintended reversal of water flow in a plumbing system, potentially causing contamination or backflow of aquarium water into the water supply, usually prevented by the use of check valves or air gaps.
BackgroundA decorative element placed at the back of the aquarium to create depth and enhance the visual appeal, often in the form of a backdrop or artwork.
BacteriaMicroscopic organisms that play a crucial role in the nitrogen cycle of an aquarium by converting harmful substances.
Bacteria colonyA population of beneficial bacteria that forms on surfaces, such as filter media, gravel, or decorations, playing a crucial role in biological filtration.
Bacterial bloomAn excessive growth of bacteria in the aquarium, resulting in cloudy or milky water. Bacterial blooms are usually temporary.
Bacterial infectionAn infection caused by harmful bacteria in the aquarium, often resulting from poor water quality or open wounds on the fish.
BaffleA barrier or partition used to redirect or control the flow of water within the aquarium, often used in filter or overflow systems.
Bala sharkA popular aquarium fish species (Balantiocheilos melanopterus) known for its silver body, streamlined shape, and large size, often kept in community setups with other peaceful fish species, requiring spacious tanks, excellent water quality, and ample swimming space to accommodate their natural behavior.
Ball valveA type of valve that controls the flow of water in a plumbing system, often used in aquarium setups to regulate the water flow rate of filters, pumps, or other equipment, allowing for precise adjustments and fine-tuning of water circulation and filtration in the aquarium.
Balloon fishA controversial variant of certain fish species, artificially bred to exhibit a rounded or balloon-like body shape.
Bamboo shrimpA unique freshwater shrimp species (Atyopsis spp.) known for its intricate filter-feeding appendages and peaceful nature, often kept in community aquariums or specialized setups, requiring good water quality, gentle water flow, and supplementary feeding to meet their nutritional needs.
BarteriA species of aquatic plant from the Anubias genus, commonly used in aquariums for its dark green leaves and hardy nature, suitable for various setups.
BenthicRelating to or occurring at the bottom of the aquarium or a body of water, often referring to organisms, habitats, or processes associated with the substrate.
Betta sororityA setup where multiple female betta fish are housed together in a larger aquarium, carefully managed to minimize aggression and establish a hierarchy.
BiofilterA filtration system that utilizes beneficial bacteria to break down harmful substances, providing a healthier environment.
BioloadThe collective organic waste produced by the aquarium’s inhabitants, including fish waste, uneaten food, and decaying matter, influencing water quality.
Biotope aquariumAn aquarium setup designed to replicate a specific natural habitat, including specific plants, fish species, water parameters, and decor, aiming to create a miniaturized version of a particular aquatic ecosystem.
BiotopesNatural habitats or ecosystems in which specific plants, animals, and environmental conditions coexist, often replicated in aquarium setups.
Black diamond blasting sandA type of sand often used as a substrate in aquariums due to its uniform size, texture, and non-reactive nature.
BlackwaterWater that is naturally darkened or stained due to the release of tannins from decaying plant matter, resembling tea.
Blackwater aquariumAn aquarium setup that replicates the natural conditions of tropical forest streams, characterized by the presence of tannins, low pH, and minimal light.
Blackwater biotopeAn aquarium setup that replicates the conditions of dark, acidic, and tannin-stained waters found in blackwater habitats.
BleachingThe loss of color or whitening of corals or other invertebrates, typically caused by stress, disease, or changes in environmental conditions.
Blue-green algaeA type of photosynthetic bacteria that can form slimy, blue-green colonies in the aquarium, commonly known as cyanobacteria.
BogwoodA type of submerged wood often used in aquariums, derived from decaying trees in marshy or boggy areas, known for its natural tannins and aesthetic appeal.
Bottom feederFish or invertebrates that primarily feed on food particles and detritus settled at the bottom of the aquarium.
Brackish waterWater that falls between freshwater and marine water, with a salinity level higher than freshwater but lower than that of seawater, suitable for brackish species.
Branching coralCoral species that grow in branching structures, forming intricate networks of coral branches, providing habitat, shelter, and aesthetic appeal in reef tanks.
Breeder boxA separate enclosure within the aquarium used to isolate and protect pregnant or aggressive fish or fry.
BreedingThe intentional process of encouraging fish to reproduce in an aquarium environment, often requiring specific conditions.
Breeding coneA cone-shaped object, typically made of ceramic or plastic, designed to provide a spawning site or shelter for certain species of fish or invertebrates, such as cichlids or catfish, facilitating their breeding behavior and protecting the eggs or fry until they are ready to emerge.
Brine shrimp hatcheryA specialized container or system used to hatch brine shrimp eggs, providing a nutritious live food source for aquarium fish and fry.
BroodstockMature fish selected and maintained specifically for breeding purposes, often chosen for their desirable traits or genetic diversity.
Bubble counterA device used to measure and control the flow rate of carbon dioxide (CO2) injected into the aquarium, providing visual confirmation of CO2 distribution.
Bubble nestA structure created by certain fish species, such as bettas, gouramis, or paradise fish, using bubbles and saliva for courtship and breeding purposes.
Bubble-nest builderA fish species, such as gouramis or bettas, known for their ability to create bubble nests at the water surface, often using bubbles mixed with saliva to construct floating nests for spawning, displaying their reproductive behaviors and providing protection for the eggs or fry.
BulbThe replaceable light source used in aquarium lighting fixtures, which can be fluorescent, LED, or metal halide.
Calcium reactorA device used in reef aquariums to maintain stable calcium and alkalinity levels by dissolving calcium carbonate media and releasing essential elements.
Calcium supplementA product or substance used to supplement calcium levels in the aquarium, essential for the health and growth of corals, invertebrates with calcareous structures, and maintaining proper calcium-ion balance.
Canister filterAn external filtration system that uses a canister or chamber to hold various filter media and provide mechanical, chemical, and biological filtration.
CapillariesThe small blood vessels in fish or other organisms responsible for the exchange of gases, nutrients, and waste products throughout the body.
CarboA liquid carbon supplement used in planted aquariums to provide a source of carbon for enhanced plant growth.
Carbo-plusA liquid carbon supplement used in planted aquariums as an alternative to injected CO2, providing a carbon source for plant growth and aiding in algae control.
Carbon dioxideA gas produced by fish respiration and organic decay. Plants utilize carbon dioxide during photosynthesis for growth.
Carbon dioxide reactorA device used to dissolve and distribute carbon dioxide gas into the aquarium water, promoting plant growth.
Carbon dosingThe practice of adding carbon sources, such as liquid carbon or carbon-rich supplements, to the aquarium to promote the growth of beneficial bacteria.
Carbon filterA type of filter that utilizes activated carbon to remove chemicals, odors, and impurities from the water.
Carbon filtrationA filtration method that utilizes activated carbon or other carbon-based media to remove impurities, organic compounds, and toxins from the water, enhancing water clarity and adsorbing harmful substances in the aquarium.
Cardinal tetraA popular schooling fish species native to South America, known for its vibrant red and blue coloration, often kept in community aquariums.
CaridinaA genus of freshwater shrimp commonly kept in aquariums, known for their vibrant colors and variety of species.
Caridina shrimpA genus of freshwater shrimp known for their vibrant colors, delicate appearance, and popularity among shrimp enthusiasts for breeding and aquascaping.
Carpeting plantAn aquatic plant species that spreads horizontally across the substrate, creating a lush and dense carpet-like growth, often used in aquascaping to create visually striking landscapes, provide shelter for small fish or fry, and compete with algae for nutrients, requiring proper lighting, CO2 supplementation, and nutrient-rich substrate for optimal growth.
Carpeting plantsAquatic plants that grow horizontally along the substrate, creating a lush, carpet-like effect, often used in aquascaping to achieve a natural landscape.
Catappa leavesDried leaves from the Indian almond tree (Terminalia catappa) often added to aquariums to release beneficial compounds and create a natural environment.
Cave-dwellerFish species that naturally inhabit or seek shelter in caves, crevices, or rocky structures, displaying specific behaviors and adaptations for living in such environments, often requiring the presence of suitable hiding spots in the aquarium, mimicking their natural habitat and providing security.
Celestial eye goldfishA fancy goldfish variety (Hypseleotris spp.) known for its upward-facing, telescope-like eyes, vibrant colors, and unique appearance, often kept in larger aquariums or outdoor ponds due to their size and care requirements.
Celestial pearl danioA small and peaceful fish species (Danio margaritatus) characterized by its striking iridescent colors and spotted pattern, commonly kept in planted aquariums.
Ceramic ringsPorous ceramic media used in biological filtration, providing ample surface area for beneficial bacteria colonization and ammonia conversion in the aquarium.
CharacinsA group of fish species belonging to the Characidae family, including tetras, hatchetfish, pencilfish, and other small to medium-sized aquarium species.
Chelated mineralsMinerals that are chemically bound to organic compounds, enhancing their availability and absorption by aquatic plants in the aquarium, promoting healthy growth.
ChemipureA popular brand of chemical filtration media designed to remove organic compounds, pollutants, and excess nutrients from the aquarium water, often used for water clarification and maintaining water quality.
ChillerA cooling device used to lower and maintain the temperature of the aquarium water, typically used in regions with high ambient temperatures.
ChloramineA compound formed by the combination of chlorine and ammonia, commonly used in tap water disinfection.
ChlorineA chemical added to tap water to eliminate harmful bacteria. Chlorine should be removed or neutralized before adding to a tank.
CichlidA family of fish known for their vibrant colors, territorial behavior, and diverse species. They originate from Africa and Asia.
Cichlid pelletA type of fish food specifically formulated for cichlids, providing balanced nutrition and often enhancing the colors of the fish.
Clown loachA popular and social loach species (Chromobotia macracanthus) known for its vibrant colors, distinctive stripe pattern, and playful behavior, often kept in larger community aquariums or species-specific setups, requiring suitable tank mates, ample swimming space, and adequate hiding places to thrive and exhibit their natural behaviors.
Co2 drop checkerA device that measures and indicates the level of carbon dioxide in the aquarium water by using a color-changing indicator solution.
Co2 injectionThe process of adding carbon dioxide (CO2) to the aquarium water to support lush plant growth and enhance photosynthesis, often using a CO2 injection system.
CO2 injection systemA setup that introduces carbon dioxide (CO2) gas into the aquarium water, promoting healthy plant growth in planted aquariums, often consisting of a CO2 cylinder, regulator, diffuser, and monitoring equipment to maintain optimal levels of carbon dioxide for photosynthesis and plant development.
Coir fiberFibrous material derived from coconut husks, often used in aquariums as a substrate or spawning medium for various fish and invertebrate species.
Coldwater aquariumAn aquarium specifically designed to house fish species that thrive in cooler water temperatures, typically below 68°F (20°C), excluding tropical species.
Coldwater fishFish species that are adapted to live in cooler water temperatures, typically ranging from 50°F to 68°F (10°C to 20°C).
Color enhancerA type of fish food or supplement that contains ingredients designed to intensify and enhance the natural colors of fish.
ColumnarisA bacterial disease (Flavobacterium columnare) that affects freshwater fish, often causing white or grayish patches, skin erosion, and other symptoms, requiring prompt treatment and proper quarantine protocols.
Community aquariumAn aquarium setup that houses various species of fish and invertebrates that can coexist peacefully, with compatible behaviors and environmental requirements, creating a harmonious and visually appealing display.
Community fishFish species that are known for their peaceful nature and ability to coexist with other species in a community tank.
Community tankAn aquarium that houses multiple fish species that can coexist peacefully. Compatibility between species is essential.
CompatibilityThe ability of different fish species to live together in the same aquarium without displaying aggressive or harmful behavior.
Cone snailA venomous marine snail species often kept in specialized marine aquariums, known for its beautiful shell patterns and unique predatory behaviors.
Cone-shaped skimmerA type of protein skimmer used in marine or reef aquariums, characterized by its cone-shaped body and the ability to efficiently remove organic waste and dissolved organic compounds from the water through foam fractionation.
Cool-water fishFish species that prefer and thrive in cooler water temperatures, typically ranging from 50°F to 68°F (10°C to 20°C), including certain goldfish varieties, trout, and specific native fish species from temperate regions.
CoprophagyThe act of consuming feces, which some fish species exhibit as a natural behavior, often associated with poor nutrition or imbalanced diets.
CoriesInformal abbreviation for Corydoras catfish, a diverse group of small catfish species known for their armored appearance, peaceful nature, and bottom-dwelling behavior, often sought after for their scavenging abilities and popularity in community aquariums, requiring soft substrate and a well-maintained environment.
CrayfishFreshwater crustaceans resembling small lobsters, often kept in aquariums for their unique appearance and behaviors, such as burrowing and scavenging, but requiring careful consideration as they can be territorial and have specific care requirements.
CrenicichlaA diverse genus of predatory cichlid fish known as pike cichlids, native to South America, characterized by their elongated body shape and predatory feeding habits.
CryptocoryneA genus of aquatic plants commonly known as crypts, valued for their diverse leaf shapes, colors, and adaptability to different aquarium conditions.
CullingThe process of removing or euthanizing fish with undesirable traits or genetic defects to maintain quality in breeding programs.
CyanobacteriaA type of photosynthetic bacteria that can form slimy, blue-green or reddish-brown patches in the aquarium, often indicating imbalances or poor water quality.
CyclingThe process of establishing the nitrogen cycle in an aquarium by growing beneficial bacteria to convert harmful substances.
CyprinidA family of freshwater fish commonly known as cyprinids, including species like goldfish, barbs, danios, and rasboras.
DaphniaTiny crustaceans commonly used as live food for small fish or fry, providing a natural and nutritious diet.
Darter tetraA small and peaceful tetra species (Poecilocharax weitzmani) known for its unique shape, resembling a dart or arrow, and its preference for dimly lit aquariums.
Decapsulated brine shrimpBrine shrimp eggs that have had their outer protective shell removed, providing a nutritious and easily digestible food source for fish and fry.
Decapsulated eggsBrine shrimp (Artemia) eggs from which the outer protective cyst has been removed, making them more readily available as a nutritious live food for aquarium fish.
DecoctionA process of boiling plant materials to create a liquid extract used to enhance the health and color of aquarium fish.
DendrochirusA genus of marine fish known as lionfish, characterized by their colorful appearance, elongated fins, and venomous spines, often kept in larger marine setups.
DenitrificationThe biological process by which nitrates are converted into nitrogen gas and released into the atmosphere, reducing nitrate levels in the aquarium.
Denitrifying bacteriaBacteria that convert nitrates into nitrogen gas, completing the nitrogen cycle and helping to maintain low nitrate levels in the aquarium.
Denitrifying filterA specialized filter that facilitates denitrification, converting nitrates into harmless nitrogen gas through anaerobic bacterial activity.
Desert biotopeAn aquarium setup that replicates the arid and desert-like environments, featuring sandy substrates, rock formations, and hardy desert species.
DetritivoresOrganisms, such as certain species of snails, shrimp, and catfish, that feed on decaying organic matter and help clean the aquarium environment.
DetritusOrganic matter such as uneaten fish food, fish waste, or dead plant material that accumulates at the bottom of the tank.
DiatomA type of microscopic algae that can form brownish or golden-brown coatings on surfaces in the aquarium, commonly known as diatomaceous algae.
Diatom algaeA type of brown algae that can form on various surfaces in the aquarium. It’s commonly found in new tanks or low-light conditions.
Diatom filterA type of aquarium filter that utilizes a diatomaceous earth (DE) powder or media to remove microscopic particles, fine debris, or algae from the water, providing exceptional water clarity, often used in reef tanks or setups where water purity is crucial, requiring periodic cleaning or replacement of the filter media.
Digital aquarium thermometerA digital device used to measure and display the temperature of the aquarium water accurately, ensuring optimal conditions for the aquarium inhabitants.
Digital pH meterA precise electronic device used to measure the pH level of aquarium water, providing accurate readings for monitoring and maintaining optimal pH conditions for the health and well-being of aquatic organisms.
Digital thermometerA device that utilizes electronic sensors to measure and display the water temperature in the aquarium, providing accurate readings for monitoring and maintaining optimal temperature conditions for the health and well-being of aquarium inhabitants.
Dissolved oxygenThe concentration of oxygen gas dissolved in the aquarium water, essential for the respiration and well-being of fish, invertebrates, and other aquatic organisms.
Dither fishPeaceful and active fish species added to the aquarium to reduce the skittish behavior of more shy or territorial fish.
DiurnalReferring to organisms that are active during the day and rest or become less active at night.
Dorsal finThe fin located on the back of a fish, providing stability and assisting in movement.
Dosing pumpA device used to automatically add small amounts of liquid supplements, fertilizers, or medications to the aquarium.
DoviiCommon name for Parachromis dovii, a large and aggressive species of Central American cichlid, often kept by experienced aquarists in spacious setups.
Dragon stoneA type of hardscape material often used in aquascaping, known for its unique textures, weathered appearance, and ability to create captivating underwater landscapes.
DriftwoodPieces of wood that have been naturally weathered and submerged in water, often used as a decorative element in aquariums.
Drip acclimationA method of gradually introducing new fish or invertebrates to the aquarium by slowly dripping water from the existing tank into the acclimation container.
Dual-stage filtrationA filtration system that incorporates two stages of filtration, typically mechanical and biological, allowing for enhanced water purification and maintenance of optimal water quality in the aquarium.
DuckweedA small floating aquatic plant with rapid growth, often used to provide shade, reduce nitrates, and offer hiding places.
Dwarf cichlidSmall species of cichlid fish known for their vibrant colors, interesting behaviors, and suitability for smaller aquarium setups.
Dwarf pufferA small and charismatic fish species (Carinotetraodon travancoricus) known for its puffed appearance, unique behaviors, and preference for brackish or freshwater aquariums.
EchinodorusA genus of aquatic plants commonly known as sword plants, often used as focal points or background plants in freshwater aquariums.
EcosystemThe complex network of living organisms (plants, animals, microorganisms) and their interactions with the environment, creating a self-sustaining system.
Ecosystem aquariumAn aquarium setup that aims to replicate a miniature ecosystem, incorporating a variety of living organisms, such as plants, fish, invertebrates, and microorganisms, functioning together to create a balanced and self-sustaining system, reducing the need for external filtration or frequent water changes.
EctoparasiteA parasite that lives on the external surface of its host, often attaching to the skin, fins, or gills of aquarium fish and causing various health issues or diseases.
EffluentThe liquid waste or discharge from a filtration system, often containing byproducts of biological, mechanical, or chemical filtration processes.
Egg scattererFish species that scatter their eggs randomly over various surfaces, such as plants, substrate, or decor, exhibiting behaviors that allow the eggs to disperse and be fertilized, often requiring appropriate spawning sites and conditions to encourage successful reproduction.
EheimA renowned brand specializing in aquarium filters, pumps, and other equipment known for their quality, reliability, and innovative design.
ElassomaA genus of small freshwater fish species known as pygmy sunfish, often kept in aquariums for their peaceful nature, vibrant colors, and unique courtship and breeding behaviors.
Electric blue acaraA color morph of the blue acara cichlid (Andinoacara pulcher) characterized by its vibrant electric blue coloration, iridescent scales, and peaceful nature, often sought after for its unique appearance and compatibility with other peaceful fish species, requiring stable water conditions and suitable tank mates for optimal well-being.
Electric blue ramA selectively bred variant of the German blue ram cichlid (Mikrogeophagus ramirezi) with an intense blue coloration, highly sought after in the aquarium hobby.
Electromagnetic valveA type of valve controlled by an electric current, commonly used in aquarium setups to regulate the flow of water or air to specific equipment or components, such as protein skimmers, dosing pumps, or automated water-changing systems, providing precise control and automation capabilities.
ElodeaA genus of submerged aquatic plants commonly used in aquariums for their oxygenating properties and ease of care.
EmersedReferring to plants that are grown above water, with their roots submerged and leaves emerging into the air, often used in paludarium setups.
Emersed growthThe growth form of aquatic plants where the plant grows partially or fully above the water surface, often with adapted leaves, stems, or roots to withstand the drier conditions, requiring high humidity, adequate lighting, and periodic misting or watering to maintain the emersed growth form in an aquarium setup.
Endler’s livebearerA small and colorful fish species (Poecilia wingei) closely related to guppies, known for their vibrant color patterns, active nature, and ease of care, often kept in community setups or planted aquariums, requiring good water quality, appropriate tank size, and a suitable social environment.
EpiphyteA plant that grows on other plants or objects non-parasitically, using them for support while obtaining nutrients and water from the air or surrounding environment, often seen in the aquarium attached to driftwood, rocks, or other surfaces, adding natural beauty and texture to aquascaping setups.
EstuaryAn ecosystem where freshwater and saltwater mix, typically found at the mouth of a river, exhibiting unique environmental conditions.
External filterA filter system that is placed outside the aquarium, typically containing multiple compartments for different filtration media.
External heaterA heating device placed outside the aquarium, typically connected to a canister filter, to heat the water efficiently.
Feeding ringA floating device or ring placed on the water surface to confine and concentrate the fish food in one area for easy feeding.
Filamentous algaeLong, thread-like strands of algae that can grow rapidly and cover surfaces in the aquarium, often caused by excess nutrients or poor water conditions.
Filter flossA mechanical filter media made of synthetic fibers, often used in aquarium filtration systems to trap and remove fine particles, debris, or suspended matter from the water, providing initial filtration before the water passes through other media for further purification.
Filter mediaMaterials or substances used in aquarium filters to facilitate the removal of impurities, debris, and harmful substances, typically through mechanical or chemical means.
FiltrationThe process of removing impurities and maintaining water quality in an aquarium using various types of filters.
Firemouth cichlidA species of cichlid fish (Thorichthys meeki) known for its fiery red coloration on the lower jaw and throat, territorial behavior, and compatibility with other cichlid species in larger aquarium setups.
Fishless cyclingThe process of establishing the nitrogen cycle in an aquarium using ammonia or other compounds without adding live fish.
FlakesA common form of fish food that consists of small, thin pieces resembling flakes.
Float valveA mechanical valve connected to a water supply that automatically regulates the water level in the aquarium, preventing overflow or water loss.
FloaterA type of aquatic plant that floats freely on the water’s surface, such as water lettuce, duckweed, or giant salvinia, providing shade and cover for fish.
Floating breeder boxA floating enclosure or container used in aquariums to isolate and protect pregnant livebearing fish or vulnerable fry, providing a safe space for growth and development.
Floating breeder trapA device used to isolate pregnant livebearing fish or protect vulnerable fry in the aquarium, providing a secure space within the main tank where fish can give birth or fry can safely grow without the risk of predation.
Floating plantsAquatic plants that naturally float on the water’s surface without being rooted in the substrate, providing shade, shelter, and additional filtration in the aquarium.
FlocAggregates of fine suspended particles or organic matter that clump together and settle, often forming cloudy or milky water in the aquarium.
Flowerhorn cichlidA hybrid cichlid fish species known for its vibrant colors, unique head shape, and bold patterns, often bred for their exaggerated features and desirable traits, requiring suitable tank size, quality nutrition, and regular maintenance to ensure their well-being and prevent health issues associated with their specialized anatomy.
Fluidized bed filterA type of biological filter that suspends media in a fluidized state, creating a highly oxygenated environment for beneficial bacteria to thrive.
Foam fractionationA process used in protein skimmers, also known as foam fractionators or skimmer towers, which utilize fine bubbles to remove dissolved organic compounds, proteins, and other pollutants from the water column, creating foam that is then collected and removed from the aquarium, improving water quality.
Foam fractionatorAlso known as a protein skimmer, it is a device used to remove organic waste, proteins, and dissolved organic compounds from the water.
FootprintThe surface area occupied by the base of the aquarium, typically measured in square inches or square centimeters.
Fraternity tankA setup where multiple male betta fish are housed together in a larger aquarium, carefully managed to minimize aggression and establish territories.
Freckle-faced coryA small species of catfish from the Corydoras genus, known for their distinctive pattern of dark spots or freckles on their head and body.
FreshwaterWater that does not contain significant amounts of salt. Freshwater aquariums replicate the conditions of rivers and lakes.
Freshwater bivalvesBivalve mollusk species that inhabit freshwater environments, such as rivers or lakes, often kept in aquariums for their natural filtering capabilities, aesthetic value, or contribution to water quality, including species like freshwater mussels, clams, or oysters, requiring stable water conditions, suitable substrate, and adequate food sources.
Freshwater clamA type of mollusk that lives in freshwater environments, often kept in aquariums for their filter-feeding behavior and aesthetic appeal.
Freshwater pipefishA group of slender, elongated fish species belonging to the Syngnathidae family, closely related to seahorses, characterized by their tubular body shape and ability to mimic aquatic plants or reeds, often kept in specialized setups or species-specific tanks, requiring live food, suitable tank mates, and gentle water flow to thrive.
Freshwater stingrayA unique and captivating fish species belonging to the Potamotrygonidae family, known for their flat, disc-shaped bodies, distinctive disc patterns, and bottom-dwelling habits.
FritzymeA bacterial culture or supplement containing beneficial nitrifying bacteria, added to the aquarium to establish and maintain a stable biological filtration system.
FritzZymeA brand of concentrated nitrifying bacteria products used to establish and maintain biological filtration in aquariums, containing beneficial bacteria strains that help break down ammonia and nitrite, promoting a healthy aquarium environment.
FryNewly hatched fish that are typically still dependent on their yolk sac for nutrition.
FungusA type of fungal infection that can affect fish, eggs, or even plant material in the aquarium, often appearing as cotton-like growths, white patches, or fuzzy growths, requiring appropriate treatment with antifungal medications, environmental adjustments, or removal of affected individuals or items to prevent further spread and damage.
Garnet sandA type of aquarium substrate made from crushed garnet gemstones, often used in setups where low pH and soft water conditions are desired, providing a natural aesthetic, encouraging plant growth, and suitable for fish species that require specific water chemistry or prefer sandy substrates for their natural behaviors.
Gassing offThe process of removing unwanted gases, such as chlorine or dissolved gases causing pH fluctuations, from tap water by letting it sit exposed to air.
GBRAbbreviation for German Blue Ram, a popular and colorful species of dwarf cichlid native to South America, known for its peaceful nature and unique markings.
GenusA taxonomic rank used in the classification of organisms, grouping species that share common characteristics.
Gill flukesParasitic flatworms that infest the gills of fish, causing respiratory distress, lethargy, and decreased appetite.
Glass catfishA transparent or semi-transparent fish species (Kryptopterus spp.) known for their translucent appearance and peaceful nature, often kept in community aquariums.
Glass shrimpA small and transparent freshwater shrimp species, such as Atyopsis spp. or Neocaridina spp., known for their scavenging behavior, peaceful nature, and ease of care in aquariums.
Glass thicknessThe measurement of the thickness of aquarium glass panels, a critical factor in determining the structural integrity and safety of the aquarium.
GloFish®A brand of genetically modified fluorescent fish, originally developed from zebrafish (Danio rerio), featuring bright fluorescent colors that fluoresce under certain lighting conditions, providing unique visual appeal in the aquarium, often used in community setups and suitable for beginners.
Golden ratioA mathematical concept and aesthetic principle often applied in aquascaping and aquarium design, representing the ratio of approximately 1.618, used to determine proportions, placement, and visual harmony of elements within the aquarium layout, contributing to balanced and visually pleasing underwater landscapes.
GouramiA family of tropical fish known for their vibrant colors, labyrinth organs, and unique behaviors.
GravelSmall particles of rocks or pebbles used as the substrate at the bottom of an aquarium.
Gravel vacuumA cleaning tool used in aquarium maintenance to remove debris, fish waste, and excess food from the substrate, helping to maintain water quality and a clean aquarium environment.
Green waterA condition characterized by a sudden proliferation of microscopic algae in the aquarium water, resulting in a dense, greenish tint and reduced water clarity, often caused by excessive nutrients, prolonged exposure to light, or imbalanced water chemistry, requiring appropriate measures, such as UV sterilization or nutrient control, to restore water clarity.
GudgeonA small to medium-sized fish species from the family Eleotridae, known for their peaceful nature and unique behaviors, often kept in community tanks.
GuppiesSmall, colorful, and livebearing fish that are popular among aquarium enthusiasts due to their ease of care and breeding.
Gymnocorymbus ternetziThe scientific name for the black skirt tetra, a popular schooling fish species (Gymnocorymbus ternetzi) known for its black body and white-tipped fins, often kept in community aquariums, requiring suitable tank mates, ample swimming space, and a well-balanced diet for their optimal health and vibrant coloration.
Hair algaeA type of filamentous algae that can form dense, hair-like tufts in the aquarium, often caused by nutrient imbalances or inadequate water conditions.
Hard waterWater that contains a high concentration of minerals, typically calcium and magnesium, resulting in a high water hardness.
HardscapeThe decorative elements in the aquarium, such as rocks, driftwood, or stones, used to create a natural or artistic layout.
HeaterAn electrical device used to regulate and maintain the desired water temperature in the aquarium, ensuring optimal conditions for fish and other species.
Heater controllerA device that regulates and maintains the temperature of the aquarium water by controlling the operation of the aquarium heater.
Heater guardA protective cover or cage placed around the aquarium heater to prevent direct contact between the heater and the fish.
Heater thermostatA device integrated into aquarium heaters that allows for accurate temperature control by automatically turning the heater on or off based on the desired temperature settings.
Heirloom strainA term used to describe selectively bred fish strains or varieties that have been maintained and passed down over generations, preserving unique traits.
HerbivoreA fish or organism that primarily consumes plant matter as its main source of nutrition.
Hermit crabA small crustacean often kept in brackish or marine aquariums, known for using empty shells as mobile homes and for their scavenging and cleaning behaviors.
HeterandriaA genus of small livebearing fish known as least killifish, appreciated for their diminutive size, peaceful nature, and ability to adapt to a wide range of water parameters.
Hiding placeStructures or decorations, such as caves, plants, or driftwood, providing shelter and security for fish and invertebrates.
High lightA lighting setup that provides intense illumination in the aquarium, typically using high-output lamps or LED fixtures to support demanding plant growth.
High-tech aquariumAn aquarium setup that incorporates advanced technology, such as CO2 injection, intense lighting, and nutrient dosing, to create optimal conditions for demanding plant species, promoting lush growth and vibrant colors in the aquarium.
High-tech tankAn aquarium that utilizes advanced equipment and technology, such as CO2 injection, intense lighting, and nutrient dosing, to support demanding plant growth.
HikariA well-known brand that offers a wide range of high-quality fish foods, including specialized formulations for different species and specific dietary needs.
Hikari®A well-known brand offering a range of high-quality fish foods and products for aquariums and aquaculture, recognized for their commitment to scientific research, nutritional excellence, and innovation in developing specialized diets for different fish species and specific aquarium needs.
HikarimonoA term used in the koi hobby to describe koi fish varieties with metallic scales, exhibiting vibrant and reflective colors when viewed from different angles and lighting conditions.
HOB filterAbbreviation for Hang-On-Back filter, a type of aquarium filter that hangs on the back of the aquarium and uses a pump to draw water through filter media.
HornwortA fast-growing submerged aquatic plant (Ceratophyllum demersum) often used in aquariums for its ability to absorb excess nutrients, provide oxygen, and offer shelter for fry and fish.
HydroidA colony-forming invertebrate often found in marine or brackish aquariums, resembling tiny, branching coral structures and typically filter-feeding organisms.
HydrometerA device used to measure the specific gravity or salinity of the aquarium water, commonly used in marine or brackish water aquariums.
IAL (Indian almond leaves)Dried leaves from the Terminalia catappa tree, often used in aquariums to create natural-looking environments, release beneficial compounds, and mimic the conditions of blackwater habitats.
IchShort for Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, a parasitic protozoan that causes a common fish disease known as white spot disease.
Ich treatmentThe use of medications or treatments to eradicate or control ichthyophthiriasis, a common fish disease caused by the parasite Ichthyophthirius multifiliis.
IchthyologistA scientist who specializes in the study of fish, including their taxonomy, anatomy, behavior, and ecology, conducting research to expand knowledge and understanding of fish species, their habitats, and their roles in aquatic ecosystems.
IchthyologyThe scientific study of fish, including their classification, behavior, physiology, and ecology, providing valuable insights into the diverse world of freshwater and marine fish species.
IchthyophthiriusA genus of parasitic protozoans that causes the disease ichthyophthiriasis, commonly known as “ich” or white spot disease, in aquarium fish.
Ichthyophthirius multifiliisThe scientific name for ich or white spot disease, a common parasitic infection caused by the protozoan Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, characterized by the appearance of small white spots or cysts on the fish’s body, requiring appropriate treatment and quarantine measures to eliminate the parasite and prevent further infection.
In-vitro plantsAquatic plants that are grown in a laboratory under sterile conditions, free from algae and pests, and supplied in sealed containers without soil or water.
Incubation periodThe duration between the deposition of eggs or the beginning of gestation and the hatching or birth of offspring, varying among different species of fish.
Infiltration systemA method of maintaining water quality and stability in the aquarium by allowing water to slowly infiltrate the substrate, promoting biological filtration.
Inflow pipeA part of the aquarium filtration system, typically made of glass or acrylic, designed to draw water from the aquarium into the filter, often connected to the outlet of a canister filter or other external filters, ensuring efficient water circulation and directing flow for optimal filtration and water movement.
Infrared thermometerA non-contact temperature measuring device that uses infrared technology to measure the temperature of objects or surfaces, commonly used to monitor aquarium water temperature without direct contact.
Inline CO2 reactorA device installed in the aquarium filtration system to dissolve carbon dioxide (CO2) gas into the water, often in the form of a chamber or canister that allows the CO2 to mix and react with the circulating water, ensuring effective distribution and utilization by aquatic plants for photosynthesis.
InoculationThe process of introducing beneficial bacteria or microorganisms into the aquarium to establish or enhance the biological filtration and water quality.
Internal filterA type of aquarium filter that is placed inside the tank, providing mechanical and biological filtration through an intake tube and filter media chamber.
Internal parasiteA parasite that resides within the body of its host, such as worms or protozoans, often causing health issues or diseases in aquarium fish.
Internal parasite treatmentMedications or treatments specifically formulated to combat and eradicate internal parasites, such as intestinal worms or flagellates, often affecting the digestive system of fish and causing various health issues if left untreated.
Intertidal zoneThe area of the aquarium exposed to air and water alternately, simulating the transitional zone between the land and water found in tidal habitats.
InvertebrateAnimals without a backbone, such as snails, shrimps, or clams, commonly kept in freshwater aquariums.
IwagumiA style of aquascaping that originates from Japan, characterized by minimalistic layouts with rocks as the main focus.
Java fernA popular aquatic plant species (Microsorum pteropus) known for its hardy nature, distinctive fronds, and ability to thrive in a wide range of aquarium conditions.
Java mossA versatile and popular aquatic moss species (Taxiphyllum barbieri) often used in aquascaping for its hardiness, easy maintenance, and natural aesthetics.
Java woodA type of driftwood derived from the tropical tree Pterocarpus indicus, often used in aquariums for its attractive appearance and ability to release tannins.
JBLA renowned brand specializing in aquarium equipment, fish food, water treatments, and other products known for their quality, innovation, and extensive product range.
Jump guardA protective cover or mesh material placed on top of the aquarium to prevent fish or other aquatic organisms from jumping out of the aquarium.
Jungle valA species of aquatic plant (Vallisneria americana) characterized by its long, ribbon-like leaves, fast growth, and ability to create dense background cover in aquariums.
KalkwasserA calcium hydroxide solution often used in reef aquariums to supplement calcium and maintain stable pH and alkalinity levels.
Kalkwasser reactorA device used in reef aquariums to mix and slowly drip calcium hydroxide (kalkwasser) solution into the aquarium, maintaining calcium and alkalinity levels.
KHShort for carbonate hardness, it measures the buffering capacity of water against changes in pH caused by acids or bases.
KHVAbbreviation for Koi Herpesvirus, a highly contagious and often deadly virus that affects koi and other species of carp, causing significant mortality.
KillifishA diverse group of small, brightly colored fish species from the family Cyprinodontidae, known for their vibrant patterns, complex breeding behaviors, and short lifespan.
Kissing gouramiA species of gourami (Helostoma temminckii) known for their unique mouth structure, which allows them to “kiss” or lock lips during courtship and territorial displays.
KoiA type of colorful carp species that is often kept in outdoor ponds but can also be kept in large indoor aquariums.
Koi angelfishA color variant of the angelfish (Pterophyllum scalare) characterized by its vibrant and variegated patterns, resembling the markings of koi carp, often sought after for their unique appearance and peaceful nature, requiring suitable tank mates, ample swimming space, and appropriate water conditions for their optimal health and color development.
Koi pondAn outdoor pond specifically designed to house and showcase koi fish, often characterized by its large size, filtration system, and aesthetic features like waterfalls or bridges.
Kuhli loachA slender and eel-like tropical fish known for its peaceful nature and burrowing behavior.
LaminateA protective layer applied to the glass of an aquarium to improve its strength and prevent leakage.
Lampeye killifishA small and peaceful fish species (Poropanchax spp.) known for its iridescent, luminescent eyes, vibrant colors, and suitability for small planted aquariums or community setups with other peaceful fish species.
Lampeye tetraA peaceful and small tetra species (Lamprichthys spp.) known for their distinctively large and bright eyes, often kept in planted aquariums or community setups.
LamprologusA genus of cichlid fish species native to Lake Tanganyika in Africa, known for their diverse behaviors, intricate social structures, and complex breeding strategies, often kept in specialized setups or biotope aquariums, requiring appropriate tank mates, suitable rock formations, and water parameters resembling their natural habitat.
Leaf hammockA floating platform or leaf-shaped structure that provides a resting place for labyrinth fish, such as bettas, gouramis, or paradise fish, near the water surface.
Leaf litterDried leaves, twigs, or botanical matter placed in the aquarium, mimicking the natural accumulation of organic material in the aquatic ecosystem.
LethrinopsA genus of cichlid fish native to Lake Malawi, known for their colorful patterns, peaceful temperament, and their ability to thrive in alkaline water conditions.
LightingThe artificial light source used in an aquarium to provide illumination for the plants and enhance the colors of the fish.
Lighting durationThe length of time the aquarium lights are turned on each day, typically measured in hours.
Lily pipeA type of aquarium pipe, usually made of glass, used in the filtration system to create a gentle and laminar flow of water, often paired with an inflow and outflow pipe set, enhancing water circulation, reducing dead spots, and providing a visually appealing outlet for filtered water in the aquarium.
Lime woodA type of wood often used in aquariums, derived from lime or linden trees, valued for its natural antimicrobial properties and its ability to sink in water.
Liquid CO2A carbon dioxide supplement in liquid form that can be added to the aquarium to provide a carbon source for plants, promoting their growth and photosynthesis.
Liquid fertilizersNutrient-rich solutions or suspensions containing essential elements, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, and trace minerals, used to fertilize aquatic plants.
Live foodSmall organisms, such as brine shrimp, bloodworms, or daphnia, that are fed to fish as a source of live prey.
Live food cultureThe cultivation and maintenance of live organisms, such as brine shrimp, daphnia, or microworms, to serve as a nutritious food source for aquarium fish, fry, or specialized feeders, ensuring a varied and natural diet for optimal health and growth.
Live rockPorous and calcium-rich rocks derived from coral reefs, commonly used in saltwater aquariums to provide habitat and beneficial bacteria colonization.
LivebearerA fish species that gives birth to live young, rather than laying eggs, such as guppies, mollies, platies, and swordtails, known for their prolific breeding habits.
LoachA diverse group of freshwater fish species belonging to the family Cobitidae or Botiidae, known for their elongated body shape, barbels, and bottom-dwelling behavior, often appreciated for their scavenging abilities, peaceful nature, and interesting behaviors, requiring appropriate hiding places and suitable tank mates in the aquarium.
LoamA soil type commonly used as a substrate in planted aquariums, consisting of a balanced mixture of sand, silt, and clay particles with good nutrient-retaining properties.
LocomotionThe method or style of movement exhibited by fish in the aquarium, such as swimming, gliding, or hovering.
Long-finnedDescribing fish species or varieties with elongated or extended fins, often selectively bred for their distinctive finnage and aesthetic appeal.
Low lightA lighting setup that provides subdued or moderate illumination in the aquarium, typically used in setups with low light-demanding plants or fish species.
LudwigiaA genus of aquatic plants (Ludwigia spp.) known for their vibrant colors, ranging from green to red or purple, often used in aquariums for their decorative value, contrast, and ability to provide shelter for fish or fry, requiring good lighting and nutrient-rich water to maintain their coloration and growth.
MacroalgaeLarge, multicellular algae that are sometimes used in aquariums to reduce nitrates and phosphates, promoting water quality.
MacroinvertebrateSmall invertebrate animals that are large enough to be seen without magnification, often used as indicators of the ecological health of the aquarium.
Magnesium sulfateA compound commonly known as Epsom salt (MgSO4), used in aquariums to supplement magnesium levels, promote plant growth, and alleviate stress in fish species.
Magnet cleanerA cleaning tool designed to remove algae or mineral deposits from the inside surface of an aquarium, consisting of a magnetic component with a soft, non-abrasive cleaning pad on the inner side and a handle on the outer side, allowing for easy and effective cleaning without the need to submerge hands in the water.
Malachite greenA medication or dye used in aquariums to treat various parasitic infections, fungal diseases, or to control algae and external parasites.
Malawi cichlidA type of cichlid fish endemic to Lake Malawi in East Africa, known for their vibrant colors and complex social behavior.
Malaysian trumpet snailA species of small freshwater snail (Melanoides tuberculata) known for its elongated, spiral-shaped shell and beneficial burrowing behavior, often introduced into aquariums to help maintain substrate health, prevent anaerobic conditions, and control detritus buildup, playing a role in maintaining a healthy aquarium environment.
Mandarin fishA small and colorful marine fish species (Synchiropus spp.) known for their vibrant patterns, unique body shape, and their ability to feed on copepods and other small organisms.
MangroveA tropical tree or shrub adapted to live in saltwater or brackish water environments, often used in aquariums for their unique root systems and aesthetics.
Mangrove aquariumAn aquarium setup that replicates the unique habitat and appearance of mangrove forests, often featuring mangrove tree prop roots, brackish or marine water conditions, and species adapted to this environment, creating a captivating display.
Mangrove snailA small snail species that inhabits mangrove environments, often introduced into aquariums to control algae and maintain the natural aesthetics of mangrove setups.
Marimo moss ballA unique and popular form of spherical algae (Aegagropila linnaei) that grows naturally in lakes and streams, often used in aquariums as a decorative element or for its ability to absorb nutrients, contribute to water quality, and provide a natural habitat for small organisms in the aquarium.
Marine aquariumAn aquarium specifically designed to house saltwater fish, invertebrates, and corals, replicating the conditions of the ocean or coral reef environments.
Matten filterA type of aquarium filter that utilizes a large foam mat as the primary filter media, providing efficient mechanical and biological filtration in an easily maintainable design.
Mbu pufferA large and striking freshwater pufferfish species (Tetraodon mbu) known for its distinctive appearance, impressive size, and its ability to inflate when threatened or stressed.
Mechanical filtrationThe physical removal of debris, particles, or solid waste from the aquarium water using filter media, sponges, or filter floss.
MedicationsSubstances or compounds used to treat or prevent diseases or ailments in aquarium fish or invertebrates, available in various forms, such as liquid, tablets, or powders, often prescribed or recommended based on the specific condition or symptoms exhibited by the aquatic organisms, requiring proper dosage and careful administration.
MelafixA commercial medication made from tea tree oil that is used to treat bacterial infections and promote healing in fish.
MelanisticDescribing organisms that exhibit an excess of dark pigmentation, resulting in a black or very dark coloration, such as melanistic variants of certain fish species.
Methylene blueA medication or dye used in aquariums to treat fungal infections, external parasites, and as a general disinfectant for fish eggs or delicate fry.
MicroorganismA microscopic organism, including bacteria, fungi, algae, or protozoa, often present in the aquarium as part of the natural microbial ecosystem.
MineralizationThe process by which organic matter, such as fish waste or decaying plants, breaks down and releases essential minerals and nutrients into the aquarium water.
MinnowA small, schooling fish species commonly kept in aquariums, often used as dither fish or to control mosquito larvae.
Moss ballA type of spherical algae (Aegagropila linnaei) that forms a dense ball shape, often used in aquariums for its aesthetic appeal, natural filtration properties, and ease of care.
Moss wallA decorative element created by attaching various types of moss, such as Christmas moss or java moss, to a vertical surface in the aquarium, creating a lush and textured green wall that adds visual interest to the tank.
NannochloropsisA genus of microscopic green algae commonly used as a food source for rotifers, copepods, and larval fish in aquaculture and aquarium breeding programs.
Nano aquariumA small-sized aquarium typically ranging from 2 to 10 gallons in volume, often used for keeping small fish species, shrimp, or as specialized setups for plants or aquascaping.
Nano fishSmall fish species that are suitable for smaller aquarium setups, typically ranging from 5 to 10 gallons in volume, known for their vibrant colors, active behavior, and compatibility with nano and planted aquariums.
NanocubeA small, compact aquarium with a capacity usually ranging from 2 to 20 gallons (8 to 75 liters), designed for small-scale aquascaping or keeping small fish species.
NematodeA type of slender, unsegmented worm often found in aquariums, serving as a part of the detritus-eating microfauna or as parasites on fish or invertebrates.
Neocaridina shrimpA genus of small, colorful freshwater shrimp known as cherry shrimp or dwarf shrimp, often kept in aquariums for their vibrant colors and ease of care.
Neon tetraA popular and colorful schooling fish species (Paracheirodon innesi) native to South America, known for its fluorescent blue stripe and peaceful nature.
Nerite snailA small, freshwater snail species often chosen for its ability to consume algae and clean the aquarium, while having a limited impact on plants.
NitrateA compound (NO3-) that can accumulate in the aquarium as a result of organic waste breakdown, requiring regular monitoring and control for optimal water quality.
Nitrate spongeA chemical or absorbent material used to remove nitrates from the aquarium water, maintaining low nitrate levels for the health of the fish and plants.
NitrificationThe biological process by which beneficial bacteria, known as nitrifying bacteria, convert toxic ammonia (NH3) into less harmful compounds, first to nitrite (NO2-) and further to nitrate (NO3-), crucial for maintaining water quality and preventing ammonia toxicity in the aquarium, forming the basis of the nitrogen cycle.
Nitrifying bacteriaBacteria that convert ammonia into nitrite and then nitrate during the nitrogen cycle, promoting a healthy aquarium.
NitriteA toxic compound produced during the initial stages of the nitrogen cycle. High levels of nitrite can harm aquatic life.
Nitrogen cycleThe biological process in the aquarium where beneficial bacteria convert toxic ammonia to nitrite and then to less harmful nitrate through nitrification.
Nitrogenous wasteWaste compounds in the aquarium, primarily ammonia, nitrite, and nitrate, produced by fish waste, decaying matter, and biological processes, requiring regular monitoring and control.
Non-toxicReferring to substances, materials, or products that do not release harmful chemicals or toxins into the aquarium water, ensuring the safety of aquatic life.
Nutrient deficiencyA condition that occurs when essential nutrients required for plant growth, such as nitrogen, phosphorus, potassium, iron, or trace elements, are lacking in the aquarium, leading to poor plant health, stunted growth, or nutrient-related disorders.
Ocellaris clownfishA popular clownfish species known for its orange body coloration and three white bands on its head and body.
Open topAn aquarium design without a lid or cover, providing better gas exchange but may require additional measures to prevent jumpers.
Open-loop systemAn aquarium system that relies on fresh water being continuously added to compensate for evaporation and water loss, lacking a filtration system to recycle and purify the water.
Open-top aquariumAn aquarium setup without a cover or hood, allowing for increased gas exchange, easier maintenance, and the use of plants that require above-water growth.
OsmosisThe movement of water molecules through a semi-permeable membrane from an area of low solute concentration to an area of higher solute concentration.
Oto catsCommonly referred to as otocinclus or dwarf suckermouth catfish, these small and peaceful catfish species (Otocinclus spp.) are known for their algae-eating behavior and compatibility in community tanks.
OtocinclusA small catfish species commonly used in aquariums to control algae growth on plants, glass, and other surfaces.
Otocinclus catfishA small and peaceful catfish species (Otocinclus spp.) known for their algae-eating behavior, often added to aquariums to help control algae growth naturally.
OverfeedingThe act of providing excessive amounts of food to aquarium fish, which can lead to poor water quality, nutrient imbalances, and negative health consequences.
OviparousDescribing organisms that reproduce by laying eggs, which hatch outside the parent’s body, commonly observed in many species of fish and aquatic reptiles.
PaludariumAn aquarium setup that combines both terrestrial and aquatic elements, featuring a water section for fish and a land section for plants or small amphibians.
ParacheirodonA genus of small tetra species, including the popular neon tetra (Paracheirodon innesi) and cardinal tetra (Paracheirodon axelrodi), known for their vibrant colors.
ParameciumA genus of single-celled protozoans often used as live food for small aquatic organisms, such as fry or invertebrates.
ParthenogenesisA reproductive process in which females produce offspring without fertilization, often observed in certain fish species, such as some species of livebearers.
Peacock cichlidA group of colorful and popular cichlid species from Lake Malawi, known for their vibrant colors, complex social behavior, and their ability to thrive in alkaline water conditions.
Peat mossA partially decomposed plant material derived from sphagnum moss, commonly used in aquariums to lower pH and create soft, acidic water conditions.
Pest snailUndesirable or invasive snail species that can reproduce rapidly, disrupt the aquarium ecosystem, and damage plants or decorations.
pHA measure of the acidity or alkalinity of the water. The pH scale ranges from 0 to 14, with 7 being neutral.
pH bufferA substance or product used to stabilize or adjust the pH level of the aquarium water, preventing sudden fluctuations.
pH bufferingThe process of stabilizing and maintaining a consistent pH level in the aquarium by using specific chemicals, substances, or buffering agents to resist changes in pH caused by natural factors or chemical influences.
pH crashA sudden and significant decrease in pH levels in the aquarium, often caused by factors such as excessive CO2 injection, rapid biological activity, or the presence of acidic materials, requiring prompt intervention to prevent harm to the aquatic inhabitants.
pH swingRapid or frequent fluctuations in the pH level of the aquarium water, which can cause stress and negatively impact the health of fish and other aquarium inhabitants.
PhotoperiodThe duration of time each day that the aquarium lights are turned on or off, simulating the natural day-night cycle and regulating the aquarium’s light exposure.
PhotosynthesisThe process by which plants use light energy to convert carbon dioxide and water into oxygen and glucose (sugar).
PhytoplanktonMicroscopic, free-floating algae or plant-like organisms that serve as a vital component of the aquarium’s food chain, providing food for various organisms.
Pinnatus batfishA species of marine fish (Platax pinnatus) known for its distinctive body shape, tall dorsal and anal fins, and unique appearance, often kept in large marine aquariums, but requiring ample swimming space and a specialized diet.
PlakatA type of betta fish characterized by its short finnage, particularly shorter caudal fins, often preferred by betta enthusiasts for their unique appearance.
PlanktonMicroscopic organisms, including algae, protozoans, and larvae, that drift and float in the water column, serving as a vital food source for many aquarium organisms.
Plant substrateA specialized substrate used for planting aquatic plants in the aquarium, providing essential nutrients for their growth.
Planted aquariumAn aquarium that incorporates live aquatic plants as a central feature, providing aesthetic appeal, natural filtration, oxygen production, and a habitat for various aquatic organisms, creating a balanced and visually pleasing underwater environment.
Planted tankAn aquarium that is heavily populated with live aquatic plants, creating a natural and aesthetically pleasing environment.
Planted+A type of LED lighting fixture specifically designed for planted aquariums, providing the appropriate spectrum and intensity of light for optimal plant growth.
PlatyA small, colorful livebearer fish often chosen by beginner aquarists for its hardiness, peaceful nature, and easy breeding.
Platy fishA popular livebearing fish species (Xiphophorus spp.) known for its peaceful nature, variety of color patterns, and ease of care, often recommended for beginner aquarium hobbyists.
PlecostomusA type of catfish known for its ability to eat algae and keep the aquarium clean.
PlenumA layer of nutrient-rich material, often made of specialized substrates or mineral-rich clay, placed beneath the aquarium substrate to provide additional nutrients.
Pond linerA waterproof material, often made of rubber or synthetic materials, used to create a lined structure for outdoor ponds or larger aquariums, preventing water leakage and facilitating the establishment of a stable aquatic environment.
Pond snailA common and adaptable snail species (Lymnaea spp.) often found in freshwater aquariums, known for their ability to reproduce rapidly and their scavenging behavior.
Poret filterA type of foam filter media with a high density of pores, offering excellent mechanical and biological filtration capabilities in the aquarium.
Poret foamA highly porous and durable foam material used in aquarium filters for mechanical and biological filtration, providing ample surface area for beneficial bacteria.
Potassium permanganateA strong oxidizing agent and water disinfectant used in aquariums to treat parasites, bacterial infections, or as a dip for plant quarantine.
PowerheadA submersible pump used to create water movement and circulation in the aquarium, often used in combination with filters.
Pre-filterA coarse or sponge-like material placed before the main filter to trap large debris and prevent clogging, extending the lifespan of the primary filter media.
Protein skimmerA device used in marine aquariums to remove dissolved organic compounds, proteins, and other pollutants by creating a foam that collects and removes them.
PVCPolyvinyl chloride, a durable and widely used plastic material often used in aquarium plumbing for connecting pipes, fittings, and creating custom installations.
Pygmy corydorasA small species of catfish from the Corydoras genus, known for their diminutive size and peaceful nature, often kept in nano or small aquarium setups.
QuarantineThe process of isolating new fish or plants in a separate tank for a period of time to observe and treat for potential diseases.
Quarantine tankA separate aquarium used to temporarily isolate and observe new fish or treat sick fish, preventing the spread of diseases and allowing for proper acclimation and treatment.
RainbowfishA diverse group of small to medium-sized fish species (Melanotaeniidae family) known for their vibrant colors and active swimming behavior.
Ram cichlidA small and colorful species of cichlid native to South America, often kept in aquariums for their vibrant appearance.
Ramshorn snailA small, spiral-shaped snail commonly found in freshwater aquariums, known for its ability to reproduce rapidly.
Rearing tankA separate aquarium or tank used to raise fry or young fish, providing them with optimal conditions and protection during their early growth stages.
Redox potentialA measure of the oxidation-reduction balance in the aquarium, indicating the level of electron activity and the water’s overall stability and redox capacity.
Redox reactionsChemical reactions involving the transfer of electrons between molecules or ions, influencing the balance of the aquarium ecosystem.
Reef tankA specialized saltwater aquarium that focuses on creating and maintaining a diverse and thriving ecosystem, with corals as the central component.
ReflectorA component or surface that reflects and redirects light within the aquarium, optimizing the efficiency and distribution of lighting for plants and fish.
ReflectorsComponents of the aquarium lighting system that maximize the light output by reflecting and directing it toward the tank.
RefractometerA device used to measure the salinity or specific gravity of aquarium water, commonly used in marine or brackish water setups for precise salinity readings.
RefugiumA separate chamber or tank connected to the main aquarium, providing a safe haven for small organisms or live plants to thrive.
Resin decorationDecorative elements or ornaments made of synthetic resin materials, often resembling rocks, wood, or other natural features, providing visual interest, hiding spots, and an enhanced aesthetic appeal in freshwater aquarium setups.
Reverse osmosisA water purification process that removes impurities, minerals, and contaminants from tap water by passing it through a semipermeable membrane.
Reverse osmosis (RO)A water purification process that utilizes a semipermeable membrane to remove impurities, contaminants, and dissolved solids from tap water, producing highly purified water that is often used for aquariums, especially in sensitive setups or for specific species.
Reverse photoperiodA lighting technique where the aquarium lights are set to be on during the nighttime and off during the daytime, simulating a reversed day-night cycle.
Rift LakeA type of freshwater lake, such as Lake Malawi or Lake Tanganyika, known for their unique water chemistry and cichlid species.
Rift Lake cichlidsA diverse group of cichlid fish species originating from the African Rift Lakes, such as Lake Malawi, Lake Tanganyika, or Lake Victoria, known for their vibrant colors, unique behaviors, and specialized care requirements, often requiring specific water chemistry, rock formations, and suitable tank mates.
RipariumAn aquarium setup that combines elements of both aquatic and terrestrial habitats, featuring emerged plants and submerged aquatic environments.
River biotopeAn aquarium setup that aims to replicate the natural conditions of a specific river ecosystem, including water parameters, plants, and fish species.
RiverineReferring to fish species that are native to rivers and freshwater habitats, often requiring flowing water conditions in the aquarium.
RockworkDecorative arrangements of rocks or stones in the aquarium, often used to mimic natural aquatic environments, create hiding places, and provide territories for fish or invertebrates, contributing to aquascaping aesthetics and offering functional elements for the overall health and well-being of aquarium inhabitants.
Root tabA small tablet or capsule containing essential nutrients, usually inserted into the substrate near the roots of aquatic plants for targeted nutrient supplementation.
RotalaA genus of aquatic plants known for their delicate, feathery leaves and vibrant colors, often used in planted aquariums for their aesthetic appeal.
Rotala indicaA popular aquatic plant species (Rotala indica) known for its beautiful pink or red coloration, delicate leaves, and its suitability for aquariums and aquascaping projects.
Rummy-nose tetraA small, schooling fish species characterized by its red nose and black diamond-shaped markings, often chosen for their striking coloration and peaceful nature.
Saddleback clownfishA marine fish species (Amphiprion polymnus) known for its distinctive white or light-colored “saddle” marking, often kept in marine aquariums and compatible with anemones.
Salt creepThe accumulation of salt residue or crust on surfaces near the waterline in a saltwater aquarium, caused by the evaporation of water containing dissolved salts.
Sand siftingThe behavior of certain fish or invertebrates that sift or filter the substrate, searching for food particles, small organisms, or burrowing prey.
Sand substrateA type of aquarium substrate composed of fine granules of sand, often used in setups with bottom-dwelling or burrowing fish species, providing a natural aesthetic, promoting beneficial bacteria colonization, and allowing for the natural behaviors and foraging activities of aquarium inhabitants.
Sand-sifting fishFish species that possess specialized adaptations, such as a protrusible mouth or sifting appendages, allowing them to sift through the substrate in search of food, assisting in the maintenance of sand cleanliness and controlling detritus accumulation in the aquarium.
SandfallA decorative feature in the aquarium where sand flows down from an elevated source, creating the appearance of a cascading sandfall or sand waterfall.
Scaleless catfishCatfish species that lack scales on their bodies, such as Corydoras catfish or Plecostomus species, known for their bottom-dwelling behavior and scavenging habits.
Scaleless fishFish species that lack scales on their bodies, often characterized by smooth skin, such as certain types of catfish, loaches, and freshwater rays.
Schooling fishFish species that exhibit a natural behavior of swimming together in a coordinated group or school, providing safety, social interaction, and natural aesthetics.
SeachemA well-known brand that produces a range of aquarium products, including water conditioners, plant fertilizers, medications, and filter media.
Selvaggio shrimpA selectively bred variant of Neocaridina shrimp (Neocaridina davidi) known for its wild-type coloration, resembling the ancestral form of the species, offering a unique and natural appearance in freshwater shrimp-keeping hobbyist setups.
SerratedDescribing leaves, edges, or surfaces that have a saw-like or jagged appearance, often used to describe the characteristics of certain aquatic plant species.
Serrated leavesAquatic plant leaves that have saw-like or toothed edges, often seen in species like cryptocoryne wendtii, echinodorus species, or sword plants.
ShoalingA behavior exhibited by certain fish species where they swim together in a coordinated manner, often for social cohesion, predator avoidance, or mating purposes.
ShrimpIn aquariums, the term generally refers to various freshwater shrimp species that are kept for their colors and behaviors.
Shrimp breedingThe intentional process of selectively breeding freshwater shrimp, aiming to achieve specific traits, colors, or patterns, and maintaining a healthy and sustainable shrimp population.
Shrimp moltThe process by which shrimp shed their exoskeleton to accommodate growth, allowing them to produce a larger and more durable shell, often marked by a period of inactivity, increased hiding behavior, and the appearance of an empty exoskeleton in the aquarium.
Shrimp tankA specialized aquarium setup dedicated to housing and breeding freshwater shrimp, providing suitable conditions and environments for their specific requirements.
SieveA mechanical or mesh filter that separates solid waste particles from the water, typically used in large aquariums or filtration systems to maintain water clarity.
SilicateA compound (SiO2) found in aquarium water, often originating from tap water or substrates, that can contribute to diatom algae growth and influence water quality parameters.
Silicone sealantA waterproof adhesive used to seal and join aquarium glass panels together, ensuring a watertight construction.
SiphonThe process of using a siphon hose or gravel vacuum to remove debris, uneaten food, and waste material from the aquarium substrate or gravel during water changes.
Siphon hoseA flexible tube used to create a siphon effect for water changes or substrate cleaning, facilitating the removal of debris.
SiphonageThe process of draining water from an aquarium or moving it from one container to another using a siphon or similar method for water changes or maintenance.
Slow-release fertilizerA type of fertilizer formulated to release nutrients gradually over an extended period, providing a constant supply of essential elements for plant growth in the aquarium, often available in pellet or stick form and beneficial for rooted plants or aquascaping setups.
SnailA mollusk with a spiral-shaped shell that is often kept in aquariums to help control algae and add interest to the tank.
Snail eaterA fish or invertebrate species that actively preys on and consumes snails in the aquarium, providing a natural method of snail control and population management.
Soft waterWater that has a low mineral content, particularly low levels of calcium and magnesium ions, resulting in a low water hardness and a more acidic pH level.
Spawning mopA material, such as synthetic or natural fibers, used to provide a suitable substrate for fish to deposit their eggs, allowing for easier egg collection or transfer.
SpeciationThe process by which new species evolve from existing ones, often driven by geographic isolation, genetic variation, and natural selection over long periods.
Sponge filterA type of aquarium filter that utilizes a sponge as the primary filter media, providing mechanical and biological filtration by trapping debris and supporting beneficial bacteria growth.
Sponge pre-filterA foam or sponge attachment placed on the intake of a filter or pump to prevent large debris or fry from being drawn into the equipment, acting as a mechanical filter and protecting the inhabitants of the aquarium, particularly important in breeding or fry-rearing setups.
SpongesPorous organisms belonging to the phylum Porifera, often used in aquarium filtration systems as biological or mechanical filter media.
Staghorn algaeA type of filamentous green algae that can attach to surfaces in the aquarium, often forming thick, branching structures resembling deer antlers or stag horns.
Sterbai corydorasA species of corydoras catfish (Corydoras sterbai) known for its distinctive orange or bronze body coloration, pattern of black spots, and its peaceful nature in community aquariums.
SubmersibleReferring to devices or equipment that can be fully submerged in water, such as heaters, filters, or water pumps.
SubstrateThe material or layer at the bottom of the aquarium, providing support for plants, housing beneficial bacteria, and aesthetics.
Substrate heaterA heating device designed to be placed beneath the aquarium substrate, providing even and consistent heat distribution throughout the substrate, creating a stable and warm environment.
SubwassertangA type of aquatic moss (Lomariopsis sp.) often used in aquascaping for its unique branching structure and ability to provide cover for fry and small fish species.
SumpAn additional chamber or tank connected to the main aquarium, used for housing equipment, providing extra filtration, or increasing water volume.
Sump filterA type of filtration system where the aquarium water is pumped into a separate tank (sump) containing various filter media for enhanced filtration and water treatment.
Sumpless setupAn aquarium setup that does not utilize a sump as part of the filtration system, often relying on internal or external filters, canister filters, or other filtration equipment for water purification.
Surface skimmerA device or overflow feature that removes debris, oils, and organic matter from the water’s surface, improving water quality and preventing surface film formation.
Surge deviceA mechanical or electronic device used to create water movement in the aquarium, simulating oceanic surge or tidal flow for the benefit of corals and other organisms.
SwordtailA popular livebearing fish species (Xiphophorus hellerii) known for its distinct sword-shaped extension on the male’s tail, available in various color variations.
Tank dividerA physical barrier or partition used to separate different fish species, aggressive individuals, or to create separate compartments within a single aquarium, ensuring compatibility and minimizing aggression.
TanninsOrganic compounds released by decaying plant matter, such as driftwood or leaves, that can darken the water and provide natural antibacterial and antifungal properties.
Tap waterMunicipal water supply that comes out of the faucet, which usually needs to be treated or conditioned before use in aquariums.
Tap water conditionerA water treatment product designed to neutralize chlorine, chloramine, heavy metals, and other potentially harmful substances present in tap water, making it safe for aquarium use and protecting aquatic organisms from the detrimental effects of these water additives.
TerracingAn aquascaping technique that involves creating elevated or tiered sections within the aquarium using hardscape materials, such as rocks or driftwood.
Test kitA set of chemical reagents or strips used to measure and monitor the water parameters in the aquarium.
Test stripsPre-packaged strips with chemical pads used to test the water parameters such as pH, ammonia, nitrate, and nitrite levels.
TetraA common name used to refer to various small to medium-sized fish species belonging to the Characidae family, often kept in community aquariums for their vibrant colors.
TetraodonA genus of freshwater pufferfish known for their unique appearance and ability to inflate their bodies, often kept in specialized pufferfish aquarium setups.
ThermometerA device used to measure the temperature of the aquarium water accurately.
Tidal simulationA feature in advanced aquarium systems that replicates the ebb and flow of tides, producing alternating water levels and water movements for marine or brackish setups.
Top-dwellerFish species that primarily inhabit the upper regions of the aquarium, near the water surface, often exhibiting behaviors such as jumping, surface feeding, or gulping air, requiring ample swimming space, a well-sealed lid, and suitable tank mates that won’t outcompete them for food.
TopsoilA substrate made from nutrient-rich soil typically used in planted aquariums to provide essential nutrients for plant growth.
Trace elementsEssential micronutrients required by plants in small amounts for healthy growth, including iron, manganese, zinc, and copper.
Trace mineral supplementA product or additive containing essential trace elements, such as iodine, strontium, or molybdenum, used to replenish and maintain trace mineral levels in the aquarium.
Trickle filterA type of biological filter that exposes the water to a large surface area of filter media, allowing for efficient aerobic bacteria colonization and waste breakdown.
Tropical fishFish species that originate from tropical regions and require warm water temperatures to thrive.
UGF (Undergravel filter)A type of aquarium filtration system that utilizes a perforated plate or grid installed beneath the substrate, allowing water to pass through the gravel, providing biological filtration by promoting the growth of beneficial bacteria, often used in combination with other filter types for comprehensive water purification.
Ultrasonic algae controlA method of algae control that uses ultrasonic waves to disrupt algal cells’ structure and inhibit their growth, often employed in larger or outdoor water systems.
Undergravel filterA type of aquarium filtration system that utilizes a plate or grid placed beneath the substrate, relying on water flow through the substrate to promote beneficial bacteria growth.
UrticationThe stinging sensation caused by certain plants or animals, such as some species of jellyfish or nettle-like aquatic plants.
UV sterilizationThe use of ultraviolet light to kill or deactivate pathogens, algae, or parasites in the aquarium water, reducing the risk of diseases and improving water clarity.
UV sterilizerA device used in aquariums to expose water to ultraviolet (UV) radiation, effectively killing or neutralizing free-floating microorganisms, parasites, or algae spores, aiding in water clarification and disease control.
VallisneriaA genus of aquatic plants commonly known as Vallisneria or eelgrass, featuring long, ribbon-like leaves and often used to create background cover in aquariums.
Vallisneria giganteaA species of Vallisneria plant (Vallisneria gigantea) known for its long, ribbon-like leaves and tall growth, often used as a background plant or centerpiece in larger aquariums, creating a natural and visually appealing display while providing shelter for fish and fry.
Vallisneria spiralisA species of Vallisneria plant (Vallisneria spiralis) known for its long, ribbon-like leaves and its ability to grow tall, creating vertical accents and background cover in aquariums.
Vampire shrimpA large, peaceful freshwater shrimp species known for its striking appearance and long, vibrant appendages resembling vampire fangs or antennae.
Venturi protein skimmerA type of protein skimmer that uses the Venturi effect to create a mixture of air and water, producing a column of tiny air bubbles that attract and remove dissolved organic compounds, proteins, and other pollutants from the water, aiding in water quality maintenance in marine or reef aquariums.
VermiculiteAn absorbent and lightweight mineral often used in aquarium plant propagation or as a substrate additive to retain moisture and promote root development.
Vertical aquariumAn aquarium setup with an elongated shape, often tall and narrow, designed to mimic the vertical orientation of certain aquatic habitats, providing ample height for plant growth, showcasing natural behaviors of species that inhabit vertical structures, and offering a unique visual perspective.
VolcanoA decorative feature in the aquarium that mimics a volcanic structure, often made of porous rock or ceramic materials and used for air diffusion or aesthetic purposes.
Wabi-kusaA Japanese aquascaping technique that involves creating a self-contained aquatic ecosystem in a ball of substrate wrapped in a mesh or cloth, allowing plants to grow and thrive with minimal maintenance, often used as a decorative element in planted aquariums or as standalone displays.
Water changeThe process of partially or completely replacing the aquarium water to maintain water quality and remove accumulated toxins.
Water conditionerA product used to treat tap water for aquarium use, removing chlorine, chloramine, heavy metals, and other harmful substances while also providing beneficial additives.
Water flowThe movement or circulation of water in the aquarium, which can be adjusted using pumps, powerheads, or air stones.
Water hardnessA measurement of the mineral content in the water, indicating the presence of calcium and magnesium ions.
Water lettuceA floating aquatic plant with large, leathery leaves that provide shade and cover for fish, while also absorbing nitrates.
Water motionThe movement and flow of water within the aquarium, which can be created through the use of water pumps, powerheads, wavemakers, or other circulation devices.
Water parameterA specific aspect or characteristic of the aquarium water that can be measured, such as temperature, pH, ammonia level, nitrate concentration, or dissolved oxygen, crucial for assessing water quality, maintaining appropriate conditions, and ensuring the well-being of aquarium inhabitants.
Water pumpA device used to circulate water in the aquarium, ensuring even distribution of heat, oxygen, and nutrients.
Water qualityThe overall condition of the aquarium water, including factors such as temperature, pH, ammonia levels, and clarity.
Water spriteA fast-growing aquatic plant species (Ceratopteris thalictroides) known for its feathery leaves, tolerance to a wide range of water conditions, and its ability to remove excess nutrients from the water column.
Water temperatureThe degree of heat or coldness of the aquarium water, which should be suitable for the specific species of fish being kept.
Wave makerA device that generates water currents, simulating natural wave patterns in the aquarium, promoting water circulation and oxygenation.
WavemakerA device that generates variable water currents in the aquarium, simulating natural wave patterns and promoting water movement and oxygenation for aquatic life.
Wet/dry filterA type of aquarium filter that utilizes a trickle tower or biofilter to expose water to air, facilitating aerobic biological filtration and the breakdown of ammonia and nitrite into less harmful compounds.
Wet/dry trickle filterA type of aquarium filter that uses a bed of porous media, such as bio-balls or ceramic rings, combined with water trickling over it, promoting efficient biological filtration by allowing beneficial bacteria to thrive on the large surface area, contributing to water purification and the breakdown of toxins.
Whisper®A well-known brand offering a range of aquarium filters, air pumps, and accessories, renowned for their quiet operation, reliability, and effectiveness in providing filtration and aeration solutions for different aquarium sizes and setups, catering to the needs of both beginner and experienced aquarists.
White cloud mountain minnowA small, peaceful fish species (Tanichthys albonubes) originating from mountain streams in China, known for its striking silver body with a red fin, ease of care, and adaptability to various aquarium conditions, often kept in community setups or coldwater aquariums.
WisteriaA popular aquatic plant species (Hygrophila difformis) known for its fast growth, vibrant green coloration, and its ability to serve as a nutrient absorber and oxygen producer in the aquarium.
X-ray tetraA small, schooling fish species known for its translucent body, allowing the internal organs and skeletal structures to be visible, resembling an X-ray image.
XenopusA genus of aquatic frogs, commonly known as African clawed frogs, often kept in aquariums for their unique appearance and behavior.
XenotocaA genus of livebearing fish from the Goodeidae family, native to Mexico, including species such as the green swordtail (Xenotoca eiseni) or the butterfly splitfin (Xenotoca doadrioi), known for their colorful appearance, active nature, and ease of care in the aquarium.
XiphophorusA genus of livebearing fish commonly known as platies or swordtails, characterized by their vibrant colors, playful nature, and livebearing reproductive strategy.
Yellow labA popular species of cichlid (Labidochromis caeruleus) native to Lake Malawi, known for its bright yellow coloration and peaceful temperament in community aquariums.
Yellow pea soupA colloquial term used to describe an aquarium with excessive green water caused by an overgrowth of single-celled algae, often resembling pea soup in appearance.
Yellow tangA popular marine fish species (Zebrasoma flavescens) known for its bright yellow body and blue highlights, often kept in larger saltwater aquariums, requiring adequate swimming space, a balanced diet, and proper care to ensure their well-being and long-term health.
Yoyo loachA peaceful, social fish species known for its striped pattern and playful behavior, often kept in community aquariums.
Zebra danioA small and active schooling fish species (Danio rerio) known for its striking blue and silver coloration, often kept as a beginner-friendly aquarium species.
Zebra loachA small and lively loach species (Botia striata) known for its striking black and white striped pattern, playful behavior, and its ability to consume snails and control snail populations in aquariums.
Zebra nerite snailA small and popular snail species (Neritina zebra) known for its striking black and yellow zebra-like pattern, appreciated for its algae-eating behavior, compatibility with freshwater aquariums, and effectiveness in keeping the glass, plants, and decor clean from algae growth.
Zebra plecoA striking and rare catfish species (Hypancistrus zebra) known for its bold black and white striped pattern, nocturnal habits, and specialized dietary requirements, requiring specific conditions and often considered a prized addition to the aquarium for dedicated catfish enthusiasts.
Zebra snailA small and colorful snail species (Neritina natalensis) known for its striped pattern resembling zebra stripes, appreciated for its algae-eating behavior, compatibility with freshwater aquariums, and unique appearance, adding interest to the aquarium’s aesthetic.
ZeoliteA porous mineral often used in aquarium filters to remove ammonia, heavy metals, and other impurities from the water.
ZetlightA brand that offers a range of LED lighting solutions for aquariums, known for their efficiency, programmability, and ability to provide optimal lighting conditions for various aquatic setups.
Zigzag eelA slender and elongated fish species (Mastacembelus armatus) characterized by its zigzag pattern and snake-like appearance, often kept in larger aquariums, requiring ample hiding places, sandy substrate, and live or frozen foods for their well-being and natural behavior.
Ziss bubble counterA device used in the setup of a CO2 injection system for aquariums, allowing for precise monitoring and adjustment of the amount of CO2 being diffused into the water, ensuring optimal levels for healthy plant growth and carbon supplementation in planted aquarium setups.
Ziss filterA specialized fluidized filter used in aquariums to provide efficient biological and mechanical filtration, typically filled with filter media like bio balls or sponges.
ZisselA brand specializing in high-quality aquarium breeding and maintenance equipment, offering a range of products, such as breeding boxes, fish traps, feeders, and filtration accessories, known for their functionality, durability, and focus on meeting the needs of aquarists engaged in fish breeding or specialized aquarium care.
ZoaShort for zoanthid, a type of colonial cnidarian often kept in saltwater aquariums for their vibrant colors and unique polyp formations.
ZooplanktonSmall, free-floating aquatic organisms, including tiny crustaceans, rotifers, and larvae, that serve as a food source for many aquarium organisms, such as fry or filter-feeders.
ZucchiniA vegetable commonly used as a natural food source for herbivorous or omnivorous aquarium fish, particularly favored by many species of freshwater herbivorous fish.
ZygoteThe initial stage of an embryo resulting from the fusion of sperm and egg cells during sexual reproduction in aquatic organisms, marking the beginning of development and the formation of a new individual, often requiring specific conditions for successful hatching and survival.
ZymeA bacterial additive or culture used to introduce beneficial bacteria into the aquarium, helping to establish and maintain a healthy and balanced biological filtration system, promoting water clarity, nutrient processing, and the overall well-being of aquarium inhabitants.
ZymobacterA genus of bacteria commonly found in the biological filtration systems of aquariums, known for their ability to convert nitrate (NO3-) into nitrogen gas (N2), playing a crucial role in the denitrification process and reducing nitrate levels in the aquarium, contributing to water quality management.