Best freshwater fishes for aquarium

Top 10 Best Freshwater Fishes for Aquarium

When it comes to setting up a freshwater aquarium, choosing the right fish is crucial for the health and well-being of your aquatic ecosystem. There are numerous types of freshwater fish for aquarium freshwater available, and it can be challenging to decide which ones are best suited for your aquarium. In this article, we will be discussing the top 10 best freshwater fishes for aquariums, providing detailed information on each species and their unique characteristics.

Freshwater aquariums are a fantastic way to bring a piece of nature into your home. But selecting the right fish for your aquarium can be a daunting task. The fish you choose must be compatible with your aquarium’s water conditions and the other inhabitants.

Food and Diet Environment

The food and diet environment is crucial for maintaining healthy and happy aquarium fish. To ensure that they receive the necessary nutrients, it’s important to provide a variety of foods. Some common types of fish food include:

  1. Flakes – a staple food for many aquarium fish, including tetras and guppies.
  2. Pellets – compacted pieces of food that provide balanced nutrition for larger fish like cichlids and angelfish.
  3. Frozen or live food – a good source of protein for many carnivorous fish, including bettas and some cichlids.
  4. Algae wafers – a specialized food for algae-eating fish like catfish and shrimp.

Creating an appropriate food and diet environment is essential for maintaining an aquarium fish’s overall health and well-being. It’s important to research the specific dietary needs of each species and provide a balanced and nutritious diet in combination with a suitable feeding routine.

Top 10 Best Freshwater Fishes for Aquarium

Let us know look at the top 10 best freshwater fishes for aquariums at home. They are easy to care for, highly adaptable, and will thrive in a home aquarium.

Neon Tetra

Fish for aquarium freshwater - Neon Tetra

Neon Tetra is a popular and beloved freshwater fish among aquarium enthusiasts. This small and brightly coloured fish has been a staple in the aquarium hobby for decades and for good reason. That’s the Neon Tetras are one of the best freshwater fishes for aquariums.

One of the main reasons why Neon Tetra is so popular is its striking appearance. The fish has a bright blue and red colouration, which contrasts beautifully against the greenery and substrate of an aquarium. Additionally, their slender body shape and delicate fins add to their overall elegance and grace.

Neon Tetra Fishes

Another reason why Neon Tetra is a popular choice for aquariums is their peaceful temperament. They are known to be social creatures that thrive in groups, making them an excellent addition to community tanks. Their small size also makes them a great choice for smaller aquariums. They look beautiful when bought in a group.

When it comes to keeping Neon Tetra, they are relatively easy to care for. They require a well-maintained aquarium with appropriate water parameters, including a pH range of 6.0-7.5 and a temperature range of 70-81°F. A planted aquarium with plenty of hiding places and swimming space is ideal for these fish.

In terms of diet, Neon Tetra is an omnivore that will eat both flakes and small live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. It’s important to ensure that their diet is varied and balanced to promote optimal health and colouration.

One thing to note is that Neon Tetra is a sensitive fish and can be prone to disease if not properly cared for. It’s crucial to maintain good water quality and avoid overcrowding to prevent stress and illness. Use products like Tetra SafeStart will be a good start for your tetras.


Fish for aquarium freshwater - Guppy

Guppies are another popular freshwater fish species that are commonly kept in aquariums and they are also widely regarded as one of the best freshwater fishes for aquarium hobbyists.

One of the main reasons why guppies are so popular is their vibrant and colourful appearance. They come in a wide range of colours and patterns, including metallic, iridescent, and even neon colours. The males are particularly striking, with their long and flowing fins and tails.

In addition to their beauty, guppies are also known for their ease of care. They are hardy fish that can adapt to a variety of water conditions, making them a great choice for beginners. They thrive in planted aquariums with plenty of hiding places and swimming space. It’s important to maintain good water quality and avoid overfeeding to prevent health issues.

Guppies are also very active and social fish, making them a great addition to community tanks. They are peaceful and get along well with other peaceful fish species. It’s important to note that male guppies can be aggressive towards one another, so it’s best to keep them in a group of at least three to prevent fighting.

When it comes to diet, guppies are omnivorous and will eat both flakes and small live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. It’s important to provide a varied and balanced diet to promote optimal health and colouration.

One unique aspect of guppies is their ability to reproduce quickly and easily. They are livebearers, which means that the females give birth to fully formed fry instead of laying eggs. This can be both a blessing and a curse, as it can lead to overpopulation if not properly managed. However, it can also be an exciting experience to witness the birth of new fry and watch them grow.

Honey Gourami

Fish for aquarium freshwater - Honey Gourami

Honey Gourami is a beautiful and peaceful freshwater fish that is becoming increasingly popular among aquarium enthusiasts.

One of the most notable features of Honey Gourami is its beautiful and unique colouration. They have honey-coloured bodies with iridescent green and orange markings on their fins, which create a stunning visual effect in the aquarium. Their peaceful and graceful swimming behaviour also adds to their overall beauty, making them one of the best freshwater fishes for aquarium enthusiasts.

Another great feature of Honey Gourami is its peaceful and gentle nature. They are social fish that gets along well with other peaceful fish species and do not exhibit any aggressive behaviour. They prefer a quiet and calm aquarium environment with plenty of hiding places and floating plants.

When it comes to care, Honey Gourami is relatively easy to care for. They require a well-maintained aquarium with a pH range of 6.0-7.5 and a temperature range of 72-82°F. A planted aquarium with a gentle filter and low to moderate water flow is ideal for these fish.

In terms of diet, Honey Gourami is an omnivore that will eat both flakes and small live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. It’s important to provide a varied and balanced diet to promote optimal health and colouration.

One interesting aspect of Honey Gourami is their unique breeding behaviour. They are bubble nest builders, meaning that the male creates a nest of bubbles on the water’s surface, and the female lays eggs in the nest. The male then guards the nest and the fry until they are able to swim on their own.


Fish for aquarium freshwater - Mollies

Mollies are a popular freshwater fish species that come in a variety of colours, making them one of the best freshwater fishes for aquarium enthusiasts.

One of the most notable features of Mollies is their vibrant and diverse colours. They come in a range of colours and patterns, including black, white, gold, and even spotted or marbled. This makes them a visually stunning addition to any aquarium. Additionally, Mollies are also known for their active and playful nature, which can provide endless entertainment for aquarists.

In terms of care, Mollies require a well-maintained aquarium with a pH range of 7.0-8.0 and a temperature range of 72-82°F. A planted aquarium with a gentle filter and moderate water flow is ideal for these fish. Mollies are also omnivorous and will eat both flakes and small live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. It’s important to provide a varied and balanced diet to promote optimal health and colouration.

Mollies are a peaceful fish species known to get along well with other peaceful fish. They are social and enjoy the company of others, making them an ideal addition to community tanks. However, it’s important to note that Mollies can be fin nippers, especially towards long-finned fish such as guppies or bettas. Therefore, it’s best to avoid keeping Mollies with these species.

One unique aspect of Mollies is their livebearing reproduction method. Females can produce up to 100 fries in a single pregnancy, making them a prolific breeder. However, this can also lead to overpopulation if not properly managed. Therefore, it’s crucial to provide ample hiding places and separate pregnant females to prevent the fry from being eaten.

Swordtail Fish

Swordtail Fish

Swordtail fish is a popular freshwater fish species that are loved for its striking colours and unique sword-like tail fins, hence their name “Swordtail Fish”.

One of the most notable features of Swordtail fish is their vibrant and diverse colours. They come in various colours, including orange, red, green, and even black. Additionally, male Swordtail fish have a long, sword-like extension on their tail fin, which is a unique and attractive feature that sets them apart from other fish species. Due to their uniqueness, they are easily identified and they are also one of the best freshwater fishes for aquarium lovers.

In terms of care, Swordtail fish require a well-maintained aquarium with a pH range of 7.0-8.0 and a temperature range of 72-82°F. A planted aquarium with a gentle filter and moderate water flow is ideal for these fish. Swordtail fish are omnivorous and will eat both flakes and small live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. It’s important to provide a varied and balanced diet to promote optimal health and colouration.

Swordtail fish are a peaceful fish species known to get along well with other peaceful fish. They are social and enjoy the company of others, making them an ideal addition to community tanks. However, it’s important to note that male Swordtail fish can be aggressive towards each other, especially if there are too few females in the aquarium. Therefore, it’s best to keep them in a ratio of one male to two or three females.

One unique aspect of Swordtail fish is their livebearing reproduction method. Females can produce up to 80 fry in a single pregnancy, making them a prolific breeder. However, this can also lead to overpopulation if not properly managed. Therefore, it’s crucial to provide ample hiding places and separate pregnant females to prevent the fry from being eaten.

In conclusion, Swordtail fish are a colourful and peaceful freshwater fish species that can add excitement and beauty to any aquarium. It’s one of the best freshwater fishes for aquarium lovers.

Platy Fish

Fish for aquarium freshwater - Platy Fish

Platy fish is a popular freshwater fish species that are beloved for its vibrant colours, peaceful nature, and easy care requirements. They are very hardy (they can be found in drains!), and because they are so easy to take care of, they are also one of the best freshwater fishes for aquarium hobbyists.

One of the most notable features of Platy fish is their stunning and diverse colours. They come in various colours, including red, orange, blue, and even metallic shades. Additionally, they have a unique triangular-shaped body that sets them apart from other fish species.

In terms of care, Platy fish require a well-maintained aquarium with a pH range of 7.0-8.0 and a temperature range of 70-80°F. A planted aquarium with a gentle filter and moderate water flow is ideal for these fish. Platy fish are omnivorous and will eat both flakes and small live or frozen foods such as brine shrimp, daphnia, and bloodworms. It’s important to provide a varied and balanced diet to promote optimal health and colouration.

Platy fish are a peaceful fish species known to get along well with other peaceful fish. They are social and enjoy the company of others, making them an ideal addition to community tanks. They are also easy to breed, making them a great choice for beginner aquarists.

One unique aspect of Platy fish is their livebearing reproduction method. Females can produce up to 80 fry in a single pregnancy, making them a prolific breeder. However, this can also lead to overpopulation if not properly managed. Therefore, it’s crucial to provide ample hiding places and separate pregnant females to prevent the fry from being eaten.

Cherry Barb

Cherry Barb

Cherry Barb is a popular freshwater fish species that is widely appreciated for its beautiful colouration and peaceful temperament. Their ease of upkeeping makes them making them one of the best freshwater fishes for aquarium hobbyists.

One of the most remarkable features of Cherry Barb is its vibrant cherry-red colour, which distinguishes it from other fish species. Its distinctive red hue is more prominent in males during the breeding season. However, females are equally stunning with their silver bodies and black stripes running along their flanks.

When it comes to care, Cherry Barb is a relatively easy fish to maintain. They prefer a planted aquarium with a pH range of 6.5-7.5 and a temperature range of 73-81°F. Cherry Barb is an omnivore and will eat most types of food, including flakes, pellets, and live or frozen foods such as bloodworms, brine shrimp, and daphnia. A balanced and varied diet is crucial to maintain their health and colouration.

Cherry Barb is a peaceful fish species that enjoy the company of others and is compatible with most non-aggressive fish. They are social and thrive in groups of at least six individuals. Keep in mind that males can be territorial during breeding, so providing ample hiding spots and plants can help reduce aggression.

Another unique aspect of Cherry Barb is its egg-scattering reproduction method. They don’t give birth to live fry like some other species, but instead, females will scatter eggs throughout the aquarium. The eggs will hatch in about 24 to 36 hours, and the fry can be fed with infusoria or newly hatched brine shrimp. Because of this, do take note of your substrate and it may not be wise to keep a bottom-feeder fish, like the Corydoras Catfish.

Corydoras Catfish

Fish for aquarium freshwater - Corydoras Catfish

Corydoras Catfish, also known as Cory Cats, are a popular freshwater fish species that are highly sought after for their unique appearance, peaceful nature, and ability to keep the aquarium clean. They are sometimes known as “tank cleaners”, and they remain one of the best freshwater fishes for aquarium lovers.

One of the most striking features of Corydoras Catfish is their distinct appearance. They have flattened heads, whisker-like barbels around their mouth, and an armoured body with a unique pattern of spots and stripes. There are over 150 different species of Corydoras Catfish, each with its unique colouration and markings.

Corydoras Catfish are relatively easy to care for and prefer a well-maintained aquarium with a pH range of 6.5-7.5 and a temperature range of 72-78°F. They are omnivorous and will eat a variety of foods, including flakes, pellets, and frozen or live foods such as bloodworms and brine shrimp. Corydoras Catfish are social and thrive in groups of at least six individuals, making them an excellent addition to any community aquarium.

One of the significant benefits of keeping Corydoras Catfish in an aquarium is their ability to keep the tank clean. They are bottom dwellers and will scavenge for leftover food and debris, helping to maintain the cleanliness of the aquarium. Additionally, Corydoras Catfish produce minimal waste, making them an ideal fish species for smaller tanks.

Corydoras Catfish are peaceful and get along well with other non-aggressive fish species. They are also known to be active and playful, making them a delight to watch. It’s essential to provide them with ample hiding places, such as caves and plants, to help them feel secure and reduce stress.


Fish for aquarium freshwater - Angelfish

Angelfish is a popular freshwater fish species that is widely appreciated for its unique appearance, gracefulness, and personality, making them one of the best freshwater fishes for aquarium hobbyists.

One of the most striking features of Angelfish is its distinctive shape, which resembles the wings of an angel. They have a triangular body shape, long fins, and a distinctive colour pattern that makes them stand out in any aquarium. They come in various colours, including silver, black, and marble, and can grow up to six inches in length.

When it comes to care, Angelfish requires a bit more attention compared to other freshwater fish species. They prefer a well-maintained aquarium with a pH range of 6.5-7.5 and a temperature range of 78-84°F. They are omnivorous and will eat a variety of foods, including flakes, pellets, and frozen or live foods such as bloodworms and brine shrimp. It’s crucial to provide them with ample space, as they can grow relatively large, and keep the water quality high to prevent diseases and stress.

Angelfish is a peaceful fish species that enjoy the company of others and is compatible with most non-aggressive fish. They are also known to have a unique personality and will recognize their owners and beg for food. However, it’s essential to keep in mind that they can be territorial during breeding and may become aggressive towards other fish. Providing ample hiding places and plants can help reduce aggression and provide a comfortable environment for Angelfish.

Another unique aspect of Angelfish is their breeding behaviour. They are egg-laying fish that form pairs and will lay their eggs on a flat surface such as a leaf or rock. The male and female will take turns fanning the eggs to ensure proper oxygenation and will guard the eggs until they hatch.


1. Can I mix different types of fish in my freshwater aquarium?

Yes, you can keep different species of fish together as long as they are compatible in terms of water parameters, size, and temperament. It’s important to research the specific needs of each species before adding them to your tank. The above 10 recommended fishes are considered to be the best freshwater fishes for aquariums.

2. What is the best temperature for a freshwater aquarium?

The best temperature for a freshwater aquarium varies depending on the species of fish you have. However, most freshwater fish thrive in water temperatures between 72 to 82°F.

3. How often should I clean my freshwater aquarium?

It’s recommended to clean your freshwater aquarium once a week, or at least every two weeks, to ensure the health and well-being of your fish.

4. What are the recommended freshwater fish for beginners aquarium?

Here are some recommended freshwater fish for beginners:

  1. Guppies
  2. Neon Tetras
  3. Betta Fish
  4. Corydoras Catfish
  5. Platies

These fish are generally hardy, easy to care for, and have simple care requirements, making them ideal for beginners in the aquarium hobby.

5. What is the coolest freshwater aquarium fish?

Here are some visually striking and fascinating freshwater aquarium fish that are often considered “cool”:

  1. Discus Fish
  2. Electric Blue Acara
  3. Arowana
  4. Flowerhorn Cichlid
  5. Peacock Cichlid

These fish have unique and eye-catching appearances that can make a stunning addition to any aquarium. However, it’s important to research their specific care requirements and compatibility before adding them to your tank.

6. What are the best freshwater aquarium fish combination?

Here are some popular and compatible freshwater fish combinations for aquariums:

  1. Neon Tetras and Corydoras Catfish
  2. Cherry Barbs and Kuhli Loaches
  3. Angelfish or Gouramis with Harlequin Rasboras or Ember Tetras
  4. Swordtail Fish and Platy Fish
  5. Mollies and Guppies

Remember to research the compatibility and care requirements of each species before adding them to your aquarium to ensure a harmonious and healthy community.

7. How many fish can I keep in my freshwater aquarium?

The number of fish you can keep in your aquarium depends on the size of your tank and the needs of the fish species. A general rule of thumb is to allow one inch of fish per gallon of water, but this can vary depending on the species and the type of aquarium fish tank filters that you have.


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